Brand Or Movement

Hi! Nice to meet you, and welcome to the K. Hall Brand. I am K. Hall.  I wanted to get personal with my readers and clients about how AWAKEN actually came to fruition. I wanted to share MYstory to encourage others to pursue their dreams. Some people assume that entrepreneurship is so easy, and we have the best life because of the flexibility with scheduling and the freedom of making decisions.    

Coming out of a pandemic in 2020, I started brewing ideas on what I could do to elevate my life.  Keep in mind, I said: "LIFE", not a business.  At the core, that's where we all start right?!?!  It wasn't material things for me like a new car or a better was my time that I wanted back. The flexibility to take off without the regret of lost daily wages, or to travel with my family at least twice per year. I was thinking about all of what I went through in 2020, and how it affected my home life, my kids, and eventually the impact on my business. Trying to pivot daily, and stay relevant was exhausting. Thoughts of what I could do to shift the outcome of my life became a common denominator.  All of 2020 we saw innovative people on the news, in social media, introducing crisp new ideas and concepts, and MONETIZING it.  I wanted to be a part of that but didn't know where to begin, but I knew whatever it was, it was going to put me outside of my comfort zone in a big way.

I wanted to walk into 2021 with a mindset that something needed to shift.  I wanted to teach my children how to create, build and monetize. I wanted them to see an idea manifest before their eyes. However, I really didn't know where to start. After a few weeks of jotting down random words, and taking some meditation days, those words eventually turned into phrases. I looked at them daily asking God what did they mean for me and its significance. To no surprise, he didn't provide me with an immediate answer. It took several more weeks of prayer, fortitude, and writing in my agenda book before I started to see things a bit clearer. One scripture that stood out the most to me during this time was...

"Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that read it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end, it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry." Habakkuk 2:2
Most people have a few scriptures that are close to them, and this one, in particular, is one of my top 5. I remember the first time I heard this scripture and the feelings of clarity that warmed me. Vision boards now had a completely different meaning, and journaling to write down my thoughts and affirmations helped me make things a reality. So when this scripture came to mind, I prayed harder, I looked beyond the words on the paper, and believed that something was truly there that God has already aligned for me.
A short time later, My mentor Stephanie Johnson placed an opportunity in my path on formulation and branding. Stephanie's approach made it tangible for me. I could see the vision develop from week to week. I began to get excited, my journal notes increased, and normal bedtime was a thing of the past. I remember sitting my kids down having a conversation about this new venture, and what that would mean to them. I gave them footnotes and enveloped them into the fold of owning this for themselves. With every benchmark, we had a board meeting about the name, logo, packaging colors, etc... I wanted them to feel like they were a part of this, just as much I was. Teaching them these business steps was not an effort to have them carry out my legacy, rather than an effort to "Teach Them How to Fish".  Events like a global pandemic won't cripple their being, and they will have the tools and business knowledge they need to create and build.
If putting the cart before the horse was a person..."I am the poster child". I'm more motivated when I can see it. Long before I officially had my first formula jotted down, I was believing with my mind and heart that this is what God had aligned. If I keep "fishing", he will place everything in my path that I need to be successful. The dream is not just about hair products, It's the MOVEMENT of AWAKEN to serve in my purpose and make an impact by helping others, and the community. That has been the real dream all along. The journey by way of entrepreneurship has only been my pathway to achieving such levels. Together we will use our platform and purpose to continue to serve in the capacity that best serves our community to its fullest potential. We are looking forward to all K. Hall Brands will uncover.