Meet K. Hall

AWAKEN Hair Care focuses on developing hair rituals that address healthy scalp and healthy hair for complete restoration for men and women.

Throughout the last decade or more, I saw the shift in the hair care industry with hair care products and the evolution of the return of natural styling practices. Products were created to keep the hair strands soft and manageable, but was not doing an adequate job in keeping the scalp cleansed. Clients went from weekly/biweekly relaxer clients, to quarterly visits with natural hair. The shift caused infrequent salon visits, lesser home maintenance measures, and yes... hair loss and scalp disorders. The question for women then became- Why am I natural, but my hair is breaking?  

This shift changed the flow of hair care. It removed clients from the salon environment where frequent shampooing and conditioning practices were the norm, breakage from visit to visit was monitored and addressed onsite and soon "I'm Natural" meant I can do it myself to an entire community. YouTube hit record numbers with everyday people professing that they can show you something better than any experienced professional could ever provide you at the salon. It showcased hours of videos for protective styling, homemade hair concoctions but not many videos unveiled how these unhealthy practices can lead to clogged follicles, weakened hair, and hair loss.

Home maintenance on natural hair was exciting at first. Seeing your natural curl patterns develop, understanding hair texture and re-learning yourself all over again. It all was great, until it wasn't. Weekends were now dedicated wash days for hours of shampooing, detangling and overnight drying times or longer. Clients saved money in salon visits but lost in quality hair care maintenance. 

AWAKEN was designed to bridge the gap. It's not to eliminate the usefulness of professionals, but to help you and them in between visits. Products that cater towards the issues that have been noted from my years behind the chair.  Shampoos created to cleanse the scalp, hair, and stimulate the follicle opening, effective conditioners to restore the PH and allow manageability without over layering the cuticle shaft. Products that address scalp health as well as hair health. 

I'm so proud to bring AWAKEN to your doorsteps. It's been one of the biggest joys of my career. Being able to address concerns that I've seen for decades, and working on solving problems in the reverse has been so rewarding. I hope you enjoy the products as much as I have enjoyed formulating them.